Share Hope in 2019

Help Potter & Clay

share hope in 2019!

Potter and Clay Ministries exists to serve and educate families living in poverty who are at risk of losing their children to causes that we cannot fathom – causes such as food insecurity and a simple lack of education. 

Our staff works hard every day to help families in our care overcome malnutrition, but we wouldn't exist without your love and generosity!

Would you consider giving today to help respond to children’s needs in one of the most rural areas of Haiti?

Our goal is to raise $30,000 by December 31st.

Potter & Clay Ministries has a few pressing financial needs as we begin 2019:

  • expanding our community outreach program across Northwest Haiti

  • paying our hardworking staff's government mandated bonus, as well as the salary for an additional and much-needed nurse

  • paying the rent for the Potter & Clay Ministries Malnutrition Center as well as Jordan and Rebecca's home

  • purchasing a year's supply of life saving formula and therapeutic food made especially for malnourished children

Your compassion is needed to help meet these needs!

Would you join us as we seek to support more families in 2019?

Through your generosity, you can directly impact the most vulnerable families in Northwest Haiti and ensure that we reach even more children in the coming year! You can help lives be saved and the love of Jesus be shared through the loving staff at Potter & Clay Ministries. Join us today.

Partner with us to fight malnutrition. Partner with us today to stand with vulnerable women, men, and children as they battle injustice. Partner with us to keep families complete. 

 We look forward to the difference we will make, together!

Rebecca Gasson1 Comment